Hearing of the Chronicle’s financial hardships, Mr. Ravenguard offered to buy out the disgraced affiliate. After a couple hours of negotiations, Mr. Ravenguard secured the affiliate and a contract with House Orion for distribution for a meager undisclosed sum. This agreement was under the condition that he changes the name of the affiliate, so as not to show any affiliation to the Chronicle, or any of their past dealings.
Not being one to be dissuaded from the hard stories, CC decided to take his newspaper to the far shores of the continent of Xen’ Drik, where he would set up shop in the City of Stormreach. He had heard fantastic stories of adventure, chaos, corruption, intrigue, and the most evil plots imaginable. Yes, this was going to be his new place of operation, a place he would feel at home amidst the “den of thieves” and denizens political corruptions. Here he would cause much trouble, and make many a coin; a home truly deserving such a fine reporter such as himself.